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How To Build On Sloping Sites

How To Build On Sloping Sites
Excavator dig sand at the open-pit. Heavy machinery working in the mining quarry. Digging and excavation operations. View on the mountains with yellow sand

How To Build On Sloping Sites

site leveling in progress

Very often, you’d encounter unleveled terrain as you build. Such times calls for the utilization of constructive and constructional ingenuity to proffer a formidable solution.

Since very few sites are level, the area that the building will be located on needs to be leveled before any construction work can start. This process is referred to as reducing levels in the building industry. There are three possible approaches to achieving this; the most cost-effective one is typically adopted.

Cut: This approach offers the benefit of leaving the soil undisturbed across the site; nevertheless, the expense of clearing the spoil from the site is a drawback.

A ‘cut’ section (Application of cut on site).

Fill: This approach is not advised since it would require deep foundations or acceptance of the possibility of settlement down the road if the building were to be placed on the filled area. Fill should never be added in excess of 600 mm in depth.

A ‘fill’ section (Application of fill on site)

Cut and Fill: The standard procedure since, when done correctly, the quantity of fill and cut will be the same.

Cut and fill
Cut and fill (Application of ‘cut and fill’


Sunday Adoga

Sunday Adoga is a civil engineer, musician, producer, blogger, content creator and many more. He wants to use his God given talents for the transformation of the world in his own little way. For sponsorship, partnership, donations, structural & architectural designs, constructions and other business related information, feel free to reach out to him through the contact page.

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