How To Build On Sloping Sites
How To Build On Sloping Sites Very often, you'd encounter unleveled terrain as you build. Such times calls for the utilization of constructive and constructional ingenuity to proffer a formidable…
How To Build On Sloping Sites Very often, you'd encounter unleveled terrain as you build. Such times calls for the utilization of constructive and constructional ingenuity to proffer a formidable…
Site Works: Clearance & Setting Out The site layout plan and the detail drawings required for the contractor to build the building(s) will have been supplied to him when…
The Building Team Members: People Involved In Construction Projects Building is a collaborative process that relies on the contributions of each team member. The building owner, who finances and commissions…
Two Aspects (Methods) Of Building Construction There are two main aspects involved in the construction of buildings: conventional or traditional methods, and modern or industrialized methods. In most construction…
Prestressed Concrete (PSC) Since the strength of concrete in tension is very low, it is ignored in R.C.C. designs. Concrete in the tension zone only acts as cover…
Reinforced brick concrete is the term used for the combination of concrete, brick and reinforcement used for construction purposes. Since concrete is very weak in tension, concrete at the…
Chajja (Chejja) English Meaning In Civil Engineering Construction Chajja | Image src @ebay  A horizontal or sloping structural overhang that protrudes immediately above the window is referred to as…
Reinforced Cement Concrete (R.C.C.) | Definition, Meaning, Uses & Properties of Good R.C.C. Â Reinforced Cement Concrete (R.C.C. for short), is a combination of concrete and steel, otherwise known as…
Common Building Stones (Types Of Stones Used For Building & Civil Engineering Constructions) Â Stones are commonly used for building constructions. The importance of stones in civil engineering cannot be…
Uses Of Stones For Civil Engineering, Construction & Buildings Purposes Stones have many beneficial uses. When it comes to civil engineering and construction purposes, stones have the following general uses:…